Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cat's Dream by Pablo Neruda

For this post I am going to paraphrased a poem by a famous Chilean poet named Pablo Neruda. Originally it was in spanish, but I have managed to find one that has been traslated.

Cat's Dream by Pablo Neruda 

How neatly a cat sleeps,
sleeps with its paws and its posture,
sleeps with its wicked claws,
and with its unfeeling blood,
sleeps with all the rings--
a series of burnt circles--
which have formed the odd geology
of its sand-colored tail.

I should like to sleep like a cat,
with all the fur of time,
with a tongue rough as flint,
with the dry sex of fire;
and after speaking to no one,
stretch myself over the world,
over roofs and landscapes,
with a passionate desire
to hunt the rats in my dreams.

I have seen how the cat asleep
would undulate, how the night
flowed through it like dark water;
and at times, it was going to fall
or possibly plunge into
the bare deserted snowdrifts.
Sometimes it grew so much in sleep
like a tiger's great-grandfather,
and would leap in the darkness over
rooftops, clouds and volcanoes.

Sleep, sleep cat of the night,
with episcopal ceremony
and your stone-carved moustache.
Take care of all our dreams;
control the obscurity
of our slumbering prowess
with your relentless heart
and the great ruff of your tail.


Stanza 1           
First, I am of the opinion that the poet is looking at a cat and thought of how comfortable it looks. With all the fluffy fur that will help it relax and sleep. For most of this first stanza, the poet is describing the cat.

Stanza 2           
The poet revealed how much he wants to sleep the way cat does. Cats do not have to socialize much and can freely lay and strecth to sleep anywhere it wants

Stanza 3           
Next, the poet says that he had seen how a cat sleep and he mentions of the place the cat can sleep at. Perhaps the poet is envy of the cas ability to sleep freely

Stanza 4          
Now the poet is encouraging the cat to sleep to experience the dreams that human desire. To slumber with no care of the world

FINAL SAY       
Interesingly, the poet can be said as an animal person because in looking at his other poems, there are other mentioning of animals like dogs and birds. The poet managed to make us realised and think back to a moment when we last see a cat sleep and how much cofortable it looks.

If youre not satisfied by my paraphrasing of this poem, please leave a comment and say how you think it should be done.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sonnet 1 by William Shakespeare

Going back to famous Shakespeare's sonnet I have decided to paraphrased the first ever sonnet written by the famous poet

Sonnet 1 by William Shakespeare                                             

From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding.
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
    To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.

(source, Shakespeare Sonnet)


The poet starts of the poem by mentioning how much we wanted to be beautiful (attractive) so that our surrounding would also be beautiful. The author mentions how in the end we would all die but we are capable of producing an heir to our beauty. However, there are some people that would not do so, keeping his/her beauty all to herself (even obsessing about it). These people are considered cruel to themselves because they are wasting the gift that is given to themselves (their looks). Thus the author is encouraging these beauties to married and reproduce so that their beauty would last.

FINAL SAY                                                                                                                    

In my opinion, the poet is trying to give or persuade those people in his time who would not get married and prefer to live all by themselves till the end.

If youre not satisfied by my paraphrasing of this poem, please leave a comment and say how you think it should be done.

Heir Conditioning by M.Shanmughalingam

I would like to help the secondary students in this post by paraphrasing one of the poem they would learn in form 1-3. I present to you Heir Conditioning by the famous Malaysian poet M.Shanmughalingam

Heir Conditioning

Grand dad did you breathe
Before air cons were invented
Wasn't it hard staying
Alive without modern inventions
Gandma weren't you flustered
As you fluttered with paper fans
Could you communicate before
Faxes and long distance calls
Became basic necessities?
Grand child we lived
Before your age because
Of our ignorance,
We did not know
Pollution, stress, traffic jams
Destruction of forests, streams and hills
We feared God and nature
Now nature fears you and
Money is your new God

(source, Literature component form 1-3)


Stanza 1
In the first stanza the author questions on how in the past people managed to survived without modern invention such as air conditioning, hand phones and fax machines

Stanza 2
In the final stanza the author question on how future generations will live due to today's living standard. The author blames himself (his generation) for all the polutions that occur today and the destruction of mother nature. The highest power today accordint to the author is money and it controls everything (god like)

The author proves that he is one of Malysian's best poets with bold and vivid use of words and how he cleverly titled the poem Heir Conditioning (similar pronounciation to Air Conditioning)

If youre not satisfied by my paraphrasing of this poem, please leave a comment and say how you think it should be done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mr. Nobody

In this post I am going to paraphrased a poem by an anonymous writer entitled Mr.Nobody


I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybody’s house.
There’s no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr., Nobody

‘Tis he who always tears our books,
who leaves our doors ajar;
he pulls the buttons from our shirts,
and scatters pins afar,
that squeaking door will always squeak,
because of this you see:
we leave the oiling to be done
by Mr Nobody.

He puts damp wood upon the fire,
So kettles cannot boil;
His are the feet that bring in mud
And all the carpets soil.
The papers always are mislaid,
Who had them last but he?
There’s no one tosses them about
But Mr. Nobody 

(source, PoemHunter)


Stanza 1
In the beginning of the poem, the author introduces the reader to a Mr. Nobody and he is told to have the appearance of a little man. Mr. Nobody is responsible for every wrong doings that ever occured in everybody's house

Stanza 2
The author talks on how Mr. Nobody would tear out pages from books or leaving the door unclosed. He would also pulls button from other people's shirt and act unreliably (he is told to oil the door but does not do so)

Stanza 3
Mr. Nobody is not good at camping because he would put damp wood in the fireplace . He is also indecent as he would not wash his feet when he enters somebody's house and that he would mislaid the paper

Stanza 4
In the final stanza, the author said that Mr. Nobody would open the door without cleaning his hand and leave the blinds unclosed. Irresponsibly, he would spill ink and leave his pair of boots lying aroud the house.

By now the reader would have understand that the author is talking about little children. Mr. Nobody is actually a little child who would not confess to all his wrongdoings and said that "nobody" did it  

If youre not satisfied by my paraphrasing of this poem, please leave a comment and say how you think it should be done.