Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heir Conditioning by M.Shanmughalingam

I would like to help the secondary students in this post by paraphrasing one of the poem they would learn in form 1-3. I present to you Heir Conditioning by the famous Malaysian poet M.Shanmughalingam

Heir Conditioning

Grand dad did you breathe
Before air cons were invented
Wasn't it hard staying
Alive without modern inventions
Gandma weren't you flustered
As you fluttered with paper fans
Could you communicate before
Faxes and long distance calls
Became basic necessities?
Grand child we lived
Before your age because
Of our ignorance,
We did not know
Pollution, stress, traffic jams
Destruction of forests, streams and hills
We feared God and nature
Now nature fears you and
Money is your new God

(source, Literature component form 1-3)


Stanza 1
In the first stanza the author questions on how in the past people managed to survived without modern invention such as air conditioning, hand phones and fax machines

Stanza 2
In the final stanza the author question on how future generations will live due to today's living standard. The author blames himself (his generation) for all the polutions that occur today and the destruction of mother nature. The highest power today accordint to the author is money and it controls everything (god like)

The author proves that he is one of Malysian's best poets with bold and vivid use of words and how he cleverly titled the poem Heir Conditioning (similar pronounciation to Air Conditioning)

If youre not satisfied by my paraphrasing of this poem, please leave a comment and say how you think it should be done.

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